Dallas County Sheriff's Association ® 1881 Sylvan Ave Suite 250, Dallas, TX 75208
The Dallas County Sheriff's Association is the longest serving employee advocate association founded by members of the Dallas County Sheriff's Department in 1971. It is dedicated to the rights and benefits of it's members, through it's support of policy and legislation from local government to the state and federal legislatures.
The mission of the Dallas County Sheriff's Association is to continually advocate for fair and equal treatment for all members and strive for benefits and compensation packages that are fair and competitive within our law enforcement community. The DCSA advocates for laws which enhance the ability of law enforcement personnel to protect the community and laws which protect law enforcement personnel from unfair employment practices.
Membership is available to all Dallas County employees, retired employees and associate membership is available to all citizens who support quality law enforcement.
Meetings are held on the third Tuesday of every month. All Dallas County employees are encouraged to attend the meetings.

Association Meeting
Tuesday, July 20, 2021
1881 Sylvan Ave., Suite 250
Dallas, TX 75206
5:00 p.m.DCSA
Dallas County Sheriff's Association
Proudly Serving the Employees of Dallas County Since 1971
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